Sophie in a Baal dress holding up a "Trans is beautiful" banner at Berlin Pride

In Episode 1 of the Jender podcast I chat with Sophie, a long time friend and collaborator.

Sophie walked for Fashion shows of Baal in Berlin, London, Bristol and Southend and lives in North and South London, when we travel for Baal she has always been in charge of everything around the actual fashion. When I forgot to take pictures she reminded me and when our models didn’t exactly have perfect catwalking skills she helped them out by fast teaching them. She has strong views on why gender isn’t just a social construct and she loves Spaghetti Bolognese. Here’s her recipe:

Spaghetti a la Sophie
Cooking oil
3 cloves garlic
1 large onion or 2 small onions
250g beef mince
250g pork mince
1 can good quality chopped tomatoes
1 can good quality plum tomatoes
1 cup of passata or 2 tablespoons of puree
Sea salt (coarse) and pepper
Fresh basil, thyme and oregano
1 glass red wine
1 tsp Vegemite
Good quality Italian spaghetti
Olive oil
Prep work
Chop the onions any way you fancy, I tend to dice them. Finely chop the garlic
and the fresh herbs. Lubricate the chef with a large glass of the red wine.
Take a large pan and get it hot but don’t have the temperature at max, about 3⁄4
is good. Put a tablespoon of oil in the pan and throw in the garlic to brown
slightly first. Then add the chopped onion and let this cook until it gets
translucent. Add in the beef and pork mince together and brown it all off. Then
add the chopped and plum tomatoes, the passata or puree and season it all with
a good pinch of sea salt and some pepper. Mix it all in together and then add the
Vegemite and the herbs before pouring the red wine in and having another glass
for yourself. Reduce to a simmer and cover with a lid if you have one. Stir
occasionally to keep it moving and stop it sticking.
Boil some water and pop in the spaghetti to start cooking. Add a pinch of salt to
this also. Once the spaghetti is done, which you can check by just tasting it,
drain it and put it back in the pot. Put about a tablespoon of olive oil on the
pasta and serve it onto a plate, along with plenty of the Bolognese. Garnish if
you fancy with a sprig of oregano and some finely grated parmesan and serve!
Don’t forget to bring the wine with you 😉

Check out Episode 2