Who are you/ what’s your project?
Hi my name is Danny- my Drag name is Rubella Vaxine aka Miss Ruby V, I am a new Drag Queen and a Volunteer Ambassador for the Terrence Higgins Trust.
What’s your gender identity?
I am a Gay/Queer man 🙂
What’s your art?
I am a new Drag Queen on the block, currently learning the art of drag makeup and trying to find my inner Diva 🙂
How does your queerness influence your art ( if it does)?
As an aspiring Drag Queen my Queerness and Pride is vital to be able to spread a bit of love, joy and make people laugh hopefully!
How has lockdown/ quarantine influenced your artistic creation?
I have dabbled with Drag for about 4 years but it has been since the lockdown that I have actually started to experience with makeup myself and I am slowly getting more confident and creative with performing and hosting events.