
play here

On a week of endings Jen talks with Aidan, who is half Indian and identifies as non-binary-femme.

We talk how living in non-binary-country and “ degenerate fox”, which is the theatre company they play at and their play “the dirty thirty” . We discuss what it’s like working for a westend theatre and how life in itself seems on a spectrum, how non of us is an expert when it comes to gender and how non-binary identity isn’t defined by falling short of something. There is talks of tiny denim dresses and playsuits,of lipstick and hair dye.

Here’s the recipe:

Chop up potatoes.  Boil them till they are just about cooked (a bit soft but not too much)  While they are boiling cut up other vegetables and onion.  You can use tomato, lettuce, peppers (or be creative).  Once potatoes are cooked fry them for a minute or so.  Add vegetables. And boil rice at the same time.  Add moderate salt, pepper and (optional) paprika.  Once rice is ready, drain it and mix it up with the vegetables.  You have a lovely pot of food ready to eat!