Who are you/ what’s your project?
I am Nancy, i am a queer drag artist living in Berlin. I began my career here as a Drag King, Camp Dad, and had a monthly show which started a collective of the same name- Venus Boys. Since growing tits I have also become a Queen, Shirley Knott. My project is to explore, create, and destroy, gender.

What’s your gender identity?
Queer! (non binary/trans-femme can also be useful terms)
What’s your art?
I like to perform and to paint, I make costumes and films. I enjoy makeup and writing.
How does your queerness influence your art ( if it does)?
For me they are one and the same thing. To be honest I’d argue that Queering is in and of itself an art, since it is the creative and performative construction of meaning- which is art no?
How has lockdown/ quarantine influenced your artistic creation?
It’s made everything much more boring. I like to be around lots of people. But I guess introspection is fine too. My latest project is a film where I’m really getting to express and write down my current philosophies on drag and gender which is a nice opportunity that probably wouldn’t happen if the bars were open. I also made a gorge film with my partner which was fun, healing, and timely.
When is your next event and how can we watch it?
Shirley Knott-Another Drag Show. 4.4.21 21.00